Manage Your Money When Playing Slots

Casinos and playing casino games is highly enjoyable and many people have great fun on both land based casinos and online.

Playing on casino games requires you to fund an account or purchase chips, or at some casino they accept cash, find out which currencies the casino accepts, you will usually find this information at the cashiers. Or you can you play for free on some online casinos – free play allows a player to get the feel of the game before wagering real money. One of the problems players find is that their money does not last for long before they have to put in more money, unless they are lucky and win. What many players do when they win is to play with their winnings and soon find that they have lost it all. Whether you are playing at a land based casino or online, especially on slots machines, the slots machines are controlled by random number generators. These RNG’s are not fixed but spin and fall on random numbers, slots machines today have thousands of computations and combinations to create the outcome of a spin.

Taking and keeping control

With regards to gambling, you may not have control of the spin or game, however, you do have control over your own actions.

Making use of solid management strategies and careful planning you can play for longer and possibly get to keep your winnings, maximize your entertainment and limit your losses.

Budgeting for playing at the casino

Before choosing to go to the casino it’s always a good idea to work out a budget, whether you are traveling to a casino, staying at a resort that has a casino, or if you are playing from home online, you should budget the amount you can afford to lose, call that your seed money, if you are in a holiday resort for a a period of say 10 days, then work out the maximum amount you are prepared to lose divide it by the number of days, and stick to that amount of money each day.

If you lose a days portion then quit while you can, you will always have the next day to play with that days allocation. If you come out winning on a particular day then put the winning in a safe place (the hotel safe is a good place). The next day you can add the previous days allocation to your game wagering. Successful gamblers know when to quit and when to continue, they manage their funds to ensure that they come out winning more often than losing.

One of the biggest mistakes that many players do is play with their winnings, that is a sure fire way to come out of the casino losing. Losing your seed money is one thing, but to lose your winnings is another.

How to avoid temptation

It is very tempting to withdraw more money when your budgeted money has run out. If you are at a land based casino then it is best to leave you ATM and credit cards at home, or hand them in at the reception area in your hotel. Online is more difficult as you will be able to easily refund your account. When on a losing streak, don’t give into temptation.

Make your money go further

Making your money go further, you need to manage your bets. Sometimes it’s not worth playing max bet each spin, a good strategy is to decide how many spins you would like to do with your days allocation, divide that by the number of spins, for instance if you have allocated $250 and you would like to do 150 spins at least with that money then that means you spend only 1.66 per spin. That will have you a reasonable time to play, you could then decide if you wish to increase your days amount if you hit some good wins, but don’t put all the money into the ‘kitty’.

Playing slots or any other game, it’s always best to be aware and manage your money wisely.